Reasons why your pet dog eats mud

Reasons why your pet dog eats mud

By Jerry Welsh

You know that your pet dog would eat just about anything because they have such great appetites but you would still ensure that the beloved pet is given nutritious foods. Dogs are well loved pets and some owners would even go to the extent of providing the pet with home cooked meals. However, dogs really do some very weird things. Even well fed ones would still eat non-edible things. As if it is not enough for dogs to eat spoiled food human's best friends would eat grasses and leaves, their own and other dog's feces Have you caught your pet eating mud too?

All dogs have the propensity to dig. Dogs have ultra sensitive sense of smell. Apart from having a high level of intelligence dogs are noted to have retentive memories too. Days after burying their "treasures" a dog will still know where to dig. When these treasures are unearthed, the dog will feast on the bone and in doing so would eat the dirt, the soil and mud as well. Because of curiosity, puppies would chew and eat anything because the mouth is used in investigating their environment. As such dogs have developed a habit to eat mud. Your dogs fondness for mud can be due to other reasons.

Eating mud is believed to be the home remedy of canines for stomach upset and for parasite infestation. Dogs eat anything thus stomach upsets are expected. Worm infestation is also a common concern of dogs because of their habit to eat feces. Some dogs are fed poor quality commercial food thus in an effort to fill up a nutrient deficiency, the dogs would eat mud.

Mud eating can be due to a medical concern. Your efforts to give the dog nutritious food may not benefit the pet because of a maldigestion and malabsorption syndrome. This means that the body will still be nutrient deficient in spite of the nutritious foods provided by the owner. To fill up the nutrient deficiency in the diet, the dog would eat mud.

Dogs are social animals that would thrive well in an atmosphere where they are given opportunities to interact with the family. If attention is not given the dog will try to get the attention of the family. Your dog's inclination to eat mud may be your wake up call to give more attention to the pet.

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