7 Things To Do After You Graduate

7 Things To Do After You Graduate

By Matthew Insardi

The party is over and it is time to step in the real world. Does that mean the fun has to stop? It shouldn't, but people are going to try to beat you up along the way. A lot of times we have so many people telling us what to do we get bombarded with information and don't know where to start making it difficult to get the momentum going in the right direction for our lives. Make sure to do these 7 things after you graduate college to make sure you get everything out of life that you had always dreamed about.

1. Where do you want to be. Write down your goals. What would you like to accomplish in the next 6 months, in the next year and in the next 5 years. Be sure to write them down and be as detailed as possible. The more details the better. This will help define a pathway for you to run on. The path may change along the way, but this will give you a starting point. Don't worry about the how right now. Just ask the question of how you will get there and your brain will find a way to make it happen and it will tell your body what you need to do.

2. Surround yourself with the right people. When you decide what you want it is time to find people that have what you want and start to network with them. Make some new friends.

3. Read. Keep reading something everyday. Make sure to read something inspirational and read educational books and letters as well. Your goal should be to learn something new everyday. Keep adding value to yourself and you will be able to help others.

4. Play audio everyday. Turn your car into a learning lab. Replace the radio with motivational and educational audio that add value to your life. This will help stimulate the mind and help you grow and achieve your goals.

5. Be positive. Have fun. Enjoy every minute. Don't waste your life by holding grudges or being negative. It's not worth it.

6. It is time to fail. This is the time in your life you should try new things. Don't be afraid to fail. There is nothing wrong with failing it simply means that you are trying. Live your life and embrace failure.

7. Keep failing. Success is built from experiences and experiences are built from failures. The most successful people in the world all failed at one point in their lives. This is what allowed them to grow mentallyy and physically to achieve greatness.

Dream big my friend. It is time to stay focused on your goals and experience the world. Embrace the unknown and you will run into obstacles along the way, but ask your mind how to break through and your mind will show you the way.

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