There are lots of companies who make bags, but few who deliver a bag that is both incredibly durable and stylish. One company that many people agree does this exceedingly well is Filson. In addition to their line of clothing and apparel, Filson has a full line of bags and luggage. Filson combines superior craftsmanship, quality materials, and stylish design to make durable and classic bags.
Filson was founded in 1897 by C.C. Filson in Seattle, Washington during the Klondike Gold Rush. Filson combined his determination with his experience running a logging outfitter to open the first Filson store. His desire was to manufacture quality clothing and apparel out of the best materials, practices and techniques available. Everything Filson made was designed to be extremely durable and tough. Filson continues to make their bags and luggage tough and durable to this day.
Today, Filson carries over 100 products in their line of bags & luggage in an assortment of materials, colors, and styles. Filson offers 3 different types of luggage, garment bags, duffel bags, briefcase and laptop bags, backpacks, field bags, totes, shoulder bags, fishing cases, gun and shot bags. Whether someone works in an office or the field, or simply needs a dependable bag for everyday use, there is surely a Filson bag to meet any needs.
What makes a Filson bag better than any other bag? For one, Filson uses quality materials like rugged twill, wool, tin-cloth cotton, denim, canvas, and leather to make its bags and luggage. Filson uses these materials because they are good quality, durable and long lasting. Also, Filson designs and constructs every bag to be practical and functional, which is why Filson bags are so stylish.
In addition to the materials used and the bags functionality, Filson crafts each bag with an unparalleled attention to detail. Many of the steps in making a bag are done by hand, and Filson designs every bag to last a long time. Filson even guarantees some of their bags to last a lifetime, such as their Bridle Leather Briefcase. Filson's motto is "Might as Well Have the Best"; a perfect slogan for a company that goes the extra mile in making their bags.
Many customers and experts will point out that Filson has many popular bags, although they may disagree on which ones. Filson's Rugged Twill Luggage Collection is one of their most popular line of bags, and they make them from their signature 100% oil-finish cotton fabric. The Rugged Twill bags are strong, durable, built to last, and have lots of space to carry stuff. Filson's Original Briefcase is also immensely popular and is the companies #1 best-selling briefcase. Many customers love the Original Briefcase because it is durable, functional, and good looking.
Over the past couple of years, several companies have collaborated with Filson, such as Levi's and LeChameau. Filson's collaboration with Levi's resulted in a duffel and tote bag made from Levi's denim and featuring handsome bridle leather and wool lining. Filson's collaboration with LeChameau resulted in two bags: the Oil Finish LeChameau Medium Field Bag, and the Oil Finish LeChameau Tote Bag. Both bags use LeChameau's natural rubber with Filson's oil-finish cotton.
Filson bag owners continually say how dependable, and long lasting the bags are. Filson bags are stylish, and look good in any environment. Filson's mission has always been to deliver the absolute best with their bags and luggage, and they clearly hit the mark. From the sidewalks of the city to the open outdoors, many people agree that Filson designs its bags to endure and deliver time and time again.
About the Author
By Robert Greenfield
Robert Greenfield is a writer who specializes in sports, clothing and apparel, and outdoor activities.
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